Carla Bearup

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Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Adjustment History

Overview Useful to see any adjustments to invoices for selected time period by either adjustment date or invoice date. Includes creator of adjustment. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Financial Reports Under the Other Reports box select Adjustment History Set the Start Date, End Date and either by Adjustment Date or Invoi...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Seat Counts by Category

Overview This report is run by selecting an activity date range to view and type of seats to view (all, open, or not open). A specific Activity can be selected, otherwise results are a listing of seating info by all categories during that date range. By clicking the category name, a seat listing of all the activities within that category is shown. G...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Scholarship Funds

Scholarship funds are used to track the flow of scholarship (not income) through the system. You can start a fund with an amount money that will not appear on the income statement or using a donation or scholarship activity, which will appear on the income statement.  Money from scholarship funds can be used to make payments in the system, and the t...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Drop-in / Cash Drops

This link is used when money is collected for an activity in quantity rather than individually and can be applied to the activity in one action rather than multiple transactions.  An example would be a drop-in class where the fee per person is collected at the door then inputted at the end of class as a group or cash drop.  Note This is an option th...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Register for a Membership

Register for a Membership from the Management Side Open the Member Household Click Accounts in the left navigation bar Click either Search Accounts or Search Members to search for the account Click the account name Click the member name Register for the Membership Click Register for Memberships (left nav) Enter part of the name of the membership you...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Creating a Program

Need help creating your first Program? This video will guide you through the steps to set up a Program. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Meetings and Minutes

The Meetings link is found on your public home page under the General Info tab near the top of the page. The content that is displayed on the public side can be modified from the management portal. Add a New Meeting To add a new meeting to publish agendas and minutes, open the Dept Web Info menu in the lefthand navigation Select Meetings & Minut...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Budget Groups

Budget Groups are used to track income through the system. They should follow the types and codes used by your town’s finance department. All activities, reservations, memberships, and POS item must have an assigned Budget Group. Managing Budget Groups and Line Items On the management side, go to your left hand navigation bar Click Budget ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Seats at a Glance

Overview This report is run by selecting an activity date range to view and type of seats to view (all, open or not open). A specific Program/Activity can be selected otherwise results are a listing of all activities during that date range. This seat report shows min/max seat setting, how many registrations there are, of those registrations how many...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Add Account Members

If not already in the user's account, click Accounts in left hand navigation bar  Search for/enter account Once in account, click the Add Member link  Fill in fields required on the page If member is a child, Select Primary Parent or Guardian from dropdown (receives notifications for child) Select Grade from dropdown (will automatically advance each...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

View Pending Accounts

Overview This report shows any new accounts that are pending approval. From this location, accounts can be approved, declined, or sent a notification email. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Account Reports Under the Account Reports box, select View Pending Accounts Chose to Approve, Decline, or Send Notification on the rig...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Roster List

Overview This report shows those activities within the selected start and end date with the available roster, attendance, waitlist, etc. links. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Activity  Reports Under the Rosters box, select Roster List Set the Start Date / End Date and enter an Activity name  in the search box, if desired...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Program Creation

Program Creation Video ... Need help creating your first Program? This video will guide you through the steps to set up a Program. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.   In the system, programs are the container for activities. Activities are the items that the customers register into. The program title, description, photo, and notes...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Availability

Facility Availability is a quick way to check available times for a specific facility or facility type on a selected date. This is found under the Facilities tab by clicking Facility Availability. Select by Location or by Facility Type, then select the Date Click Submit The blue colored time slots are unavailable The white colored time slots are ava...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Management Side Registration (Video)

The following video will walk you through the management side registration process....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Reservations & Permits

View Facility Reservations Facility Reservations can be searched and viewed in a list form by navigating to  Facility Reservations can be searched and viewed in a list form by navigating to the Facilities tab and clicking View Reservations. This report can also be found under the Reports tab >Facility Reports >Reservations & Permits or in ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Check out - Management

Confirm that your customer has seen and agreed to any applicable disclaimers Click Continue Review any additional questions, disclaimer, or other required documents with the customer  Select Payment Type Confirm Billing Contact and Billing Email is correct Enter Payment Amount Full Payment Choose payment type Click Submit Payment * Click Process Inv...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due By Memberships

Overview This report is to view balances owed on memberships. It is run by selecting a start and end date. Results show the Membership name and the corresponding types that falls within the start/end date range that have balances owed. By clicking on the membership type title, the results list the registrants' names with their part of the balances o...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Assigning a Pass Number to a Member

To assign a pass number to a member: Go to Accounts tab on the leftside navigation bar Click View/Search Members Select account member name that you wish to assign to a Membership Card Number On the View Member Info screen, select the Membership Card link Enter the Pass number (can manually type in number or scan the barcoded card) Click Submit Tip:...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Advanced Activity Schedule

Overview This report is designed to view advanced activity registrants by the day, week, or month. It is a way to consolidate the registrant list to view by a date range who is attending and which days. Results are sortable by name, age, grade, date, pricing option, or date. This report can also be a sign in/out sheet by clicking the sign in columns...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

User Access Policy

To protect your site's data from unauthorized use granted via social engineering, the tactic of gaining secured information by convincing a staff member that an unauthorized person should be authorized, all staff at follow the user access policy outlined in this document. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your un...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Option Report

Overview Point of Sale products can have different options. These are added at the product level. When the product is sold the option is selected. This report shows which options were selected by product, date range and then after selecting the parent product, scan choice. Results are the choice with date/time stamp for the purchase. Your browser do...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Combined Activity Roster

Overview This report shows registrants for all activities under a program. When you click the name of the program in the list and choose to view all the activities under the program or just the active activities, it will populate with results that can be exported. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navig...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Credit Card Processing Guide

How Credit Card Transactions Work When a payment is submitted through your site, the site asks your gateway if this payment can be accepted. Common reasons that a payment might not be accepted are: address submitted doesn't match address for credit card or the CVV code does not match the one of the card. If this payment is declined, a message is ret...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Point of Sale Set-up

Once Point of Sale has been activated for your site, you will see a Products tab in the main navigation of your management. Your first step after clicking that tab is to click Product Categories.  Adding a Category Click Add New Product  Category at the top Here you can add your category by filling in the name, leaving the status set to active, and ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Export Rosters

Overview Activity rosters can be exported via this report. Search activities by selecting an activity date range and activity name, if desired. Multiple activities can be selected at the time of export, and fields to export can be chosen. There are many field options that you can select to export (see image.) Go to the Reports tab of the left hand n...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Cancelling a Membership

Note Cancelling a membership will render the membership inactive. If there are additional, active memberships associated with the customer, these will not be affected and the customer may continue to use the same card number.   Log into an account Accounts tab > View/Search Accounts In the Account Details, click the Memberships tab Use the checkb...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

How to Apply a Custom Form

Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Memberships & Activities From your management portal go to the membership or activity that you wish to apply the form A form can be applied to as many memberships or activities as needed Go to the Requirements tab Click Add/Edit Forms Click the checkbox next to the form to include it Then click Update T...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Required Documents Report

Overview This report is for activities, memberships and accounts that have Required Documents. When the activity / membership is selected, the results show the registrants with the required document name, date stamp of submission and update, as well as status. Results can be filtered by document, by status, and by type. When the account is selected,...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Account Tabs

This Management side overview of Account Details page tabs will take you through the differences between each tab and what they are used to do within the system. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Changes to Credit Card for Subscription Payments

Note These directions are for public site customers to update their credit card information for autopay items within their account.   Updating the Credit Card on a Recurring Payment (public side) If you have a recurring payment for a membership or an activity that is automatically charged to your credit card, you can change that card or update the e...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Scan Options Chosen Report

For facility access memberships, scan options can be added at the facility level. Then, when the membership card is scanned, the option is selected by the staff. The Scan Options Chosen Report shows which options were selected by facility, date range and scan choice and includes a date/time stamp for members scanned in. Go to the Reports tab of the ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Group Restrictions

There are some facility areas that will not let you rent both of the areas independently of one another because of shared land or resources. When this occurs, you will need to create a new restriction group, then place both areas in that restriction group. Example: You have a parent facility that has two baseball fields (Smith Field and Jones Field)...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

ADA Compliance Efforts

ADA Compliance Efforts The list below constitutes efforts made by staff on our main site and the public side of all client sites to maintain a specific standard of usability for people of all abilities. Certain editable elements, such as maintenance of color contrast levels and photo captions, require the help of our clients. We ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Membership Subscriptions

Recurring Subscriptions Have Been Replaced Registration Payment Plans have replaced the Recurring Subscription. Current Recurring Subscriptions will be able to finish out their terms, however, new subscriptions will need to be created in the form of an RPP. New subscription lengths will not be available to add to existing memberships. If you need as...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Merge Accounts & Account Members

When you have two or more accounts for the same household, you can merge the duplicate accounts. The merge will combine the personal and financial information from the account you're merging with the account you're keeping. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Important These actions cannot be undone.   In the left hand side navigation bar go ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Disbursement Income Report

Overview This report provides a summary of transaction income by budget groups for the various payment types for selected period of time. Use this report to see how much income there is in a specified period of time for a certain budget group. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Financial Reports Under the Disbursement Repor...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Text Blasts

Note Before sending a text blast, accounts must have the Mobile Notification section filled in for the members for the text blast to send. To check this setting, navigate to the account and select the member. Scroll to the bottom of the Member Info screen and click the Add New Mobile Notification link.   To create a new text blast, click the Text Bl...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Coach / Instructors Video

The following video shares important tips and steps for using coach and instructor assignments on your activities and programs....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

News & Features

News & Features The News & Features link is found on your public home page under the Info tab. The content that shows on the public side under this link can be modified. This is a great place to add articles or any other special news you want to share with your customers. To add a new article, go to the News & Features menu on your manag...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Global Disclaimer

Access the Global Disclaimer The Global Disclaimer is different from facility or activity disclaimers. You must have access to the Administration tab in order to edit or update the global disclaimer. Open the Administration tab Select the Disclaimer option To edit this disclaimer, click Edit Disclaimer to open the text box for editing Editing the di...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Modify Membership Effective Dates

Staff can modify both the Activation date and the Expiration date for a user's membership. Open the Accounts menu from the leftside menu on the management screen Search for the member or account  Click the Member name or Account name Click the Membership tab at the top of the screen Click the Edit link next to the date you need to modify Select the ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Card Readers vs Swipe Terminals

Credit Card Readers Credit Card Readers use a USB cord to connect to the computer Come in encrypted and non-encrypted varieties, only the latter of which currently supports Usually cost about $50 Credit Card Terminals Swipe terminals work outside of the system  Connect to the internet directly, using an ethernet cord and an IP ad...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due For Reservations

Overview This report is to view balances owed on Reservations. It is run by selecting a start and end date. Results show the Reservations that falls within the start/end date range that have balances owed. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Balance Due Reports Select Balance Due For Reservations Set the Start Date, End Date ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Photo Pool and Gallery

In order to use photos on your department’s site, they must be uploaded under Manage Photos. Photos that are to be used in Programs, Memberships, Facilities, and as home page photos should be uploaded into the Photo Pool. Photos that are to be viewed on the gallery page on the public site should be uploaded to the Gallery. Here is how to upload the ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Custom Disclaimers Video

For more information on Custom Disclaimer, please see the video tutorial below....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Custom Form Reporting

Form Reporting Memberships & Activities: Completed forms can be viewed from the Membership or Activity list on those that it is applied to. Clicking the Custom Form icon will show the completed forms for each individual that is registered for that activity or membership. This list of forms can then be printed. Accounts: Completed forms can also ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

View Facility Reservations

Facility Reservations can be searched and viewed in a list form by navigating to the Facilities tab and clicking View Reservations. This report can also be found under the Reports tab >Facility Reports >Reservations & Permits or in the Quick Utilities box on Home Page Dashboard > Facility Reservations. Reservations can be searched by lo...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Department Web Info

Department Info Page The public facing Department Info Page can be edited from the management side. The title of the Department Info Page can be changed, and a page introduction can be included by clicking Edit Department Info Page Info in the top right hand corner.  Additionally, there are three sections to this page: Policies & General Info, S...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Manage Users

Access the Manage Users Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Select the Manage Users option Under the Administration tab, the Manage Users link allows you to view, add, and edit system users for the management side of the site  While System Users cannot be deleted, they can be marked Inactive by unchecking the Active box and p...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Tax Deductible Items and Statements

Learn more about Tax Deductible Items and how to find them on statements for your customers. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Create Custom Forms

Custom forms are a way to help convert your stack of paperwork into reportable data all done online. You can create a form with any fields you like from a birthdate field with calendar selection to a set of multiple choice checkboxes for date or item preferences and more. These forms only need to be filled out once per registrant until the form expi...

4 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Creating an Account

Please Note Cellphone carrier is no longer required information for account creation.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Account Settings

Access the Account Settings Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Select the Settings option Click the Account Settings tab    Resident Status Everyone is automatically a Non-Resident: Upon account creation all accounts are marked as non-residents Everyone is automatically a Resident: Upon account creation all accounts are mark...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Pause a Membership

This function allows the manager to place a membership in a paused status for an indefinite period of time. While in this status, the membership is unusable, however it also does not have an expiration date. Once unpaused, the function will calculate how long this membership was paused and apply that many more days onto the original expiration date....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Disbursement Summary Report

Overview General summary of total income for each budget group for a selected period of time by transaction date, can select payment type. Can be used to see what the total income for each budget group is for a certain period of time like a week or month. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Financial Reports Under the Disbur...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Question Answers (Memberships)

The Questions/Answers report will display any Q&As that have been assigned to the membership. This report can be edited or exported. Missing/Blank answers can be included in the list as well. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Membership Reports Under the Requirements box select Question Answers Set the Start Date / End ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Cancel a Registration

This video tutorial will help you with the correct steps to cancel a registration for a public user. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due By Advanced Activity

Overview This report is to view balances owed on individual advanced activities. It is run by selecting the start and end date of the activity or for a part of the activity. In the example, just the fees due for just the month of November have been selected. Results show the Program name and the corresponding activity that falls within the start/end...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Open/Paid Invoices

Open/Paid Invoices allows you to view all invoices in the system. You can look for individual invoices by their invoice number. You can also filter invoices by date range or status. This area can be accessed from the Home Screen via the Quick Utilities menu, or from the Finance section of the right-hand navigation. Open/Paid Invoices Tips The Quick ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Payment Due Dates

Reservations and Standard/Advanced Activities using deposits may also have due dates applied to the payments. These are used to determine the date by which portions of the whole and the whole itself must be paid and may also be used to assess late fees if payment is not received by the set dates. This feature must be activated in the settings, conta...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Calendar Quick Add

Quick Add events are best used for non-fee associated facility uses like a City Commission meeting, an Independence Day pavilion closure, or a Parks and Rec Board meeting for instance. Quick Adds are not best used for activities or reservations (even non-fee reservations) for outside-department use or events that are tied to a user. It is better to ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Information Security

Data Security Front End Passwords must be 8+ characters long, alphanumeric with multiple cases and a symbol; these are encrypted in the database; staff and tools cannot decrypt them The passage of page data is encrypted using SSL certificates (SHA-256 with RSA encryption) When pages use queries, these are protected against javascript injec...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Advanced Activity Pricing Options

A Pricing option or Pricing Matrix on an Advanced Activity allows for the registration of part of the full date range at fees specific to that portion. Single Day - represents the ability to purchase one date at a time without a pattern Daily per Week -  allows a registrant to select a pattern of days over any number of weeks and pay based on the nu...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Income Summary Report

Overview The Income Summary Report provides a summary of income for each payment type for a given period of time and is defaulted to include refunds and credits. Simply uncheck this option if you do not want to include this data. Click totals for more detail. Includes budget group view if not using advanced disbursement. Useful to see the totals of ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Reservations with Missing Dates

Overview This report shows all permitted reservations that have no dates attached. By clicking on the rental title, the reservation can be edited. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation  Select Facility Reports Under the Facility Reports box, select Reservations with Missing Dates This report can be exported using the link above the report...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: How to Add a Facility

This video will take you through the process of adding a facility to your facility list. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Daily Payment Summary Report

Overview Daily breakdown of activities and payments processed within selected date range, categorized by payment type. Includes employee name if applicable, or public, location of activity and budget group. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Financial Reports Under the Income Reports box select Daily Payment Summary Report ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Reservation Overview

Overview This report is run by selecting a date range and date type, either by date of reservation or date of purchase.Results are a listing of the facilities that have reservations and the total number of hours reserved during that time frame. Clicking the hours show the individual reservations with rental information including invoice number. Go t...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Add a Reservation Request from Management

Management Reservation Requests Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Schedule

Overview This report is run by selecting a date range and a day or multiple days of the week. Results can be filtered by facility(s), facility type, hours, account, contacts or permits. Results are bookings listed by date with the location and activity showing the time in blocks.  Hovering over the block will show a pop-up of the actual time booked....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Munis Export Guide has the ability to export financial data to Munis. This is done through a series of steps in the system that will result in a report in the format that can be imported into Munis. Steps to Set Up Data Export to Munis AR Misc Format Important Please contact Customer Service to initiate the steps. They will turn...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Disbursement Detail Report

Overview This report lists totals for items from each budget group for a selected period of time by transaction date. This report is useful to view a list of items, such as programs, that all use a certain budget group and their respective subtotals. Also shows if any account credit was issued. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and s...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Maintenance

Overview This report can be run by searching a facility, facility type, or rental category, and a date range to view.Results are a listing of all bookings for that facility/type/category during the date range with staff / maintenance notes. More notes can be added on a specific activity or in the top box. Once finish and print is selected, the repor...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Suspend a Membership

When a membership is suspended, the pass will not be validated when scanning nor manually selecting the customer through the Facility Access Portal. Suspending a Membership will not extend the life of the membership. Therefore, if a member in good standing will not be using the membership for a specified period of time but will resume using the memb...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due By Invoice Date

Overview This report is to view balances owed by date of invoice. It is run by selecting a date range by invoice date. Results show the account name with balance owed and the date of the invoice. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Balance Due Reports Select Balance Due By Activity Set the Start Date and End Date Click Search...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Management Reservation Request Video


0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Standard Activity Creation

In the system, activities are what your customers will be registering into. Activities populate the calendar and their registrants populate the rosters. Activities are created within a program. If you add Fee Adjustments at the Program level, they will apply to all activities across the program unless excluded. This is particularly helpful...

5 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: How to Register for a Membership


0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Disbursements by Payment Types

Overview Use this report to list disbursements by payment type for each budget group for selected period of time by transaction date. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Financial Reports Under the Disbursement Reports box select Disbursements by Payment Types Set the Start Date (Time) and End Date (Time) and any other filte...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Public Registration Video


0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Budget Group Income Summary

Overview Useful to see a summary of income in a given time period through budget groups for each payment type. Primarily used for transactions that are disbursed into more than one budget group. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Finance Reports Under the Disbursement Reports box select Budget Group Income Summary Report Set...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Membership Card Guide

Assigning a Photo to an Account Member This image will show up when this member's card is scanned (or number is entered). Check that webcam is connected, turned on, and functioning properly From the Management home page, select Accounts tab from lefthand navigation Once the tab expands, select Search Members Enter the member's name in full or part (...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Management Reservation Process Video


0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Account Tabs

Account Tabs Video ... This Management side overview of Account Details page tabs will take you through the differences between each tab and what they are used to do within the system. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.   Across the top of the Account Details page are seven tabs that contain the following information for that account: Main T...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Canceled Activities

Overview This report shows a list of activities that have been canceled within the activity date range selected. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Activity  Reports Under the Activity  Reports box select Cancelled Activities Set the Start Date / End Date  Click Submit...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Credit Card Storage Security

What is credit card storage? Credit card storage is the ability for customers to store credit cards during public side checkout for use with future purchases and balance payments. If in use, then during the checkout process when credit card information is entered, the customer will be asked if they would like to store that card. On future payments, ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Update Residency

Access the Update Residency Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu and select the Update Residency option Input the Zip Code you wish to update and click search A list of accounts within that Zip Code will appear Select either Resident or Non-Resident from the drop down  Click the Update Residency button The residency status for...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Scanning a Membership

Barcode Scanner or Manual Membership Scanning On the management Homepage go to the Quick Utilities box Select Member Check-in Selecting this option will launch a new tab in your browser This can also be found under the leftside navigation bar Memberships tab by clicking Membership Card Scan If a location has not already been selected, the next scree...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Management Home Page

The management Home Page has many features to assist you with the oversight of your system. Top Navigation The top navigation bar provides a quick tools access that is available throughout the site. Quick icons across the top of your page allow for quick access to specific actions such as registering for an activity or membership, entering...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Musco Lighting Setup and Calendar Export

You can export your facility calendar to the Musco Lighting software, which controls lighting automatically through a schedule. You must have your Musco Control-Link software account and facility information, including Musco Facility IDs and Field IDs, and username/password, which is different than your username/password. After receiving t...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Standard Activities

Standard activities are the simplest way to set up registration for your customers. They offer a single fee structure per activity and have the benefit of a waitlist feature. You can also set up teams and keep scores in Standard Activities. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: How to Cancel a Reservation

Canceling a Reservation from the Management Side Your browser does not support HTML5 video.        ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy shall apply to all websites owned and/or operated by, including without limitation the website on which this Privacy Policy has been posted and's parents, subsidiary and/or affiliate entities whether or not referred to directly as Your privacy and security are important to us. Because we gather cert...

6 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Expense Groups

Expense groups can be utilized to track expenses related to programs/activities, memberships and products. Groups are created under the Finance tab, applied at the item (program, activity, membership or product) and reported on by Finance Reports. Add an Expense Group Navigate to the Finance Tab and click the Expense Groups link Click Add New Expens...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Renter Types

Facility Renter Types can be created to assign different rates to a facility within the fee matrix. These fees are then prefilled as the renter type is selected on the renter at the time of reservation. To Create a Facility Renter Type Navigate to the Facilities tab Click the Facility Renter Types link Click the Add New Facility Renter Type link Nam...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Advanced Activities

This video will help you learn more about Advanced Activities within the Programs feature of Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Expired Membership Reports

In this report, memberships that have expired or are about to expire can be viewed and exported. Results can be filtered by a specific Membership, Type, Length, and date range. Handy links for date range changes have been provided. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Membership Reports Under the Tracking box select Expired Me...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Cloning Programs and Activities

Program-Level Cloning Cloning at the program level will allow you to clone all program settings in addition to any or all of the activities under the program umbrella. You can add to an existing program or create any entirely new program through the process. You will want to find the program which you would like to clone This is done by clicking Pro...

4 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Use Report

This report is run by selecting a facility and a date range to view. Results are a listing of all bookings for that facility during the date range with staff / maintenance notes. This report is printable. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Facility Reports Under the Facility Reports box select Facility Use Select the appropr...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Membership Card Printing has the ability to print membership cards if you have Memberships.  Info Contact Customer Service in order to turn on the Membership Card printing feature. The Memberships feature must also be activated.   Compatible Equipment for the Card Template Purchase a Magicard 300 Printer from Gill ID Systems to print the cards. (For thos...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Create a Membership

Memberships can be used to allow access to certain facilities or provide discounts/limit access to activities. They can be limited to certain amounts of people or age by the Type assigned. They can also be provided for different amounts of time by the Length assigned. Setting Up Memberships Go to the Memberships tab in the left-hand navigation, then...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Facility Reservations

Steps on Making Facility Reservations Your browser does not support HTML5 video.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

How to Create Teams

Go to Programs on the leftside navigation menu Click View/Search Programs Select the Program that needs to have teams added i.e. Little League  Click on the Activity that needs to have teams added Click on the Teams/Groups Tab Select Add New Team/Group Enter the Team Name and Team Seat Cap (if applicable) Include as Registration Choice allows you/yo...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Scholarship Funds

Scholarship Funds are used to track the flow of Scholarship (Not Income) through the system. You can start a fund with an amount of money (Not Income) that will not appear on the income statement. Funds can also be added by setting up Donation/Scholarship Activities; money donated this way will be added to the fund and appear on the income statement...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Cancellation Fee After Cancellation

When performing a cancellation, the system will ask how much money you'd like to hold as a cancellation fee, if any. Entering the amount you'd like to keep lessens the amount of money returned to your customer. If you've missed this step, or if you previously entered a cancellation fee you’d like to change, you can still add the proper fee using the...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due Details

Overview This report is to view balances owed on entire programs or the individual activities with the ability to select multiple programs/activities in a details screen. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Balance Due Reports Select Balance Due Details Select the start and end date of the either the invoice date or the activ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Printing Small Receipts with Tablets has the capability to print small receipts from the Point of Sale area in the facility portal to a receipt printer from an Android or iPad tablet. The printing ability is because of an app called Star Micronics PassPRNT that can print on a Star Micronics Star Micronics TSP100 FuturePRNT USB receipt printer part #39461110, TSP100IIILAN (Eth...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Time-Based Activities

Benefits of Time Based Activities Creating a Time Based Activity will help to simplify your swim lesson, music lesson, or private class setup and registration. Time Based Activities take advantage of Advanced Activities to allow you to enter multiple timeslots under a single activity. This allows for faster, simplified setup, better registrations, a...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Assigning Validation Facility

Your browser does not support HTML5 video. To assign a membership to a facility for purposes of validating usage, go to: Go to the Facilities menu on the leftside navigation bar  Click View/Search Facilities Select the applicable facility Click the Membership Access tab and assign the applicable membership by marking the checkbox within the table fo...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Membership Setup Components

There are a few components that are needed for a Membership. These include Type(s) and Length(s). Both Membership Types and Lengths can be added/edited from the Memberships tab in the lefthand navigation. Membership Types Membership Types define the parameters for purchasing a membership. Create Membership Types according to the applicable purchasin...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Account Questions

View Questions By clicking on the Questions link under the Accounts tab, member questions can be viewed, edited or added. These questions apply to when an account or new account member is created. Adding a Question To add a question click Add New Question Insert text in the Question box Column Name is needed to show the answers on reporting and expo...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Affiliated Programs

Affiliated Programs Affiliated programs can be viewed on the public side with the affiliated organization's contact information. For example, an affiliated program may be a weekly club meeting that is put on by the local Fish & Game Club in your town. This can be found on the public site under the Affiliates header link. To add a new affiliated ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Email Blasts to an Activity

This video will walk you through the process of sending an email blast to all of the registrants on an activity roster. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Separate Household Options

The following are options for divorced or otherwise split households where the primary guardians do not live together. For the sake of simplicity, these guardians are referred to as Mom and Dad with their child, Junior. If Mom and Dad are amicable, the easiest option is to have both members in the same account along with Junior. If Mom and Dad have ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Sales Reports

Overview Sales Reports are based upon invoice date Sales reports are different from income reports because they include registrations or other items that have not yet been paid for, while income reports are items already paid for The total sales will drill down to list items Sales Summary Report Expected income for each payment type by selected time...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Department Information Settings

Access the Department Info Settings ​Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Select the Settings option Click Submit The Department Information settings contain address and contact information for the Department and largely will remain static information Department contact information is pulled from this location to show in sever...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Public User Guide for Coaches/Instructors

This guide is designed for the public customer to use when accessing their coach information. This guide is not for the department staff to use in setting up coaches. If you need to add access for a coach/instructor, please see the article Assigning a Coach/Instructor. Accessing Coach/Instructor Materials Pull up your recreation department's website...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Cart Hold Report - POS

Overview The Report is Blank? The Cart Hold Report will only show details of active cart holds, so if the report is blank, there are no holds in customer carts. Cart holds are typically 24 hours unless the High Demand setting is selected, which reduces the cart hold time to approximately 15 minutes.   This report shows those POS items that are sitti...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Missing Documents

Overview This report is for those activities that have Required Documents (Also available for Memberships). When the activity/membership is clicked, the results show any registrants who did not submit the required document. Results can be filtered by document or status. Statuses that will show under this report: Missing - Document is required for th...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Discussion Board

In the Discussion Board, clients can start a topic with other clients. Clients can get answers or suggestions on many different topics as it applies to departments and the software. Please Note staff does not regularly review the Discussion Board. If you need direct support or have a suggestion, please contact us.   Accessing the...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup Payment Processing

Payment processing is simple with whether you are online or in line.  Payment methods for cash, check, credit or debit No additional transaction fees (beyond normal credit card processing) on any payment type Front desk (management side) payments with Scholarship Funds, Deposits and more Card on file convenience for your customers - but se...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Advanced Activity Recurring Payments

Recurring Subscriptions Have Been Replaced Registration Payment Plans have replaced the Recurring Subscription. Current Recurring Subscriptions will be able to finish out their terms, however, new subscriptions will need to be created in the form of an RPP. New subscription lengths will not be available to add to existing memberships. If you need as...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Basic Themes

Access the Basic Themes Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Select the Basic Themes option Applying a Basic Theme to your site is a great way to give it a new and refreshing look!  The system currently offers 14 different color scheme choices, each with many different pre-made banners to choose from. You're welcome ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Gift Certificate Redemption Report

Overview This report shows the Gift Certificates purchased from POS within a date range or a specific certificate can be searched by Invoice # or Redemption Code. Results shows the list of Gift Certificates with the redemption status and code. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Point of Sales Reports Select Gift Certificate...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Ticket Report

Overview Tickets purchased through the POS can be viewed through the Ticket Report. Select the date range and ticket product to search on. Results show the tickets sold during that time frame with the ability to print the list. Go to the Reports tab of the left-hand navigation and select Point of Sales Reports Select Ticket Report Set the Start Date...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Assigning a Coach/Instructor

The instructor must have a public household account with your site They must be a member user in their household Once they have set up an account, you can make them a coach/instructor This is done by going to their member page (View/Search Members > click on the Member Name) from the management side Then click Edit Member at the top of their memb...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Reservation Settings

Access Reservation Settings Setting up a facility for reservation Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Select the Settings option Click the Reservation  Settings tab Apply the settings from the default reservation settings, public reservation date restriction settings, and checkout content settings Default Reservation Settings...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Gift Certificates (POS)

Using Gift Certificates in MyRec recommends that all departments take advantage of the gift certificate product option as a way for customers to purchase account credit to use later for fee-based offerings with your department. ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Access Scan Report

Membership scans can be reported by selecting a date/time range. Results can be narrowed by a specific Membership, Type Length, and/or Product. Results are listed by facility. The members scanned (with date/time stamp) can be viewed by clicking on the facility name. Go to Reports from the menu on the left Select Membership Reports / Point of Sale Re...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Activity Start/End Date Seat Count

Overview This report is run by selecting an activity start date and can be narrowed by end date or activity name if desired. Likewise, the search can be conducted by the activity end date by switching the Search by radio dial. Results will show the activity with dates min/max, # enrolled along with a Reports link that when hovered over gives the opt...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Duplicate Accounts / Members

Overview The Duplicate Accounts report lists accounts that have potential duplicates within the system. Accounts can be merged from this location. Duplicate Accounts Report Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Account Reports Under the Account Reports box select View Duplicate Accounts The Duplicate Members report lists accoun...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Public Reservations

To Enable Public Reservations A staff member must turn a setting on in the advanced settings for facility options. Please ask a representative to turn this feature on for you.   In order for public reservations to occur Management side Reservation Settings that must be activated  The facility or facility area must be set to allow...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Program Cloning Video

Cloning a program is an excellent way to save time and replicate already existing program information for current use. You can even advance the date range to clone a program for a future year, while still being able to edit key features of the activities in the Program. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

View All Invoices

From the Invoices link in the Quick Utilities box you can access Open/Paid Invoices Set the Start Date and End Date Click Submit A search can be done by Invoice or Subscription ID Click into the View/Edit link to access the Account Finance Tab, which will take you to the specific invoice...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Advanced Activity Creation

Advanced Activities Video ... This video will help you learn more about Advanced Activities within the Programs feature of Your browser does not support HTML5 video.   Creating an Advanced Activity Because Programs house activities, they must be created first in order to add activities. See Program Creation article for more details.  On th...

6 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Adding Teams and Groups to Advanced Activities Video

Advanced Activities have the capability to support teams and groups, similar to Standard Activities. This video will walk you through the process to add team and groups. Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

View Member Discounts

Overview Member Discounts are applied at the account level and can be applied to entire account or to a specific member. This report lists which accounts/ members have member discounts applied, the amount of discount with maximum and expiration date. Results can be filtered by expiration date. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and sel...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Email Blasts Using Constant Contact

Access Email Blast Using Constant Contact Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu Click Email Blasts  Select the Send New Email Blast  In Send New Email Blasts, click the type of email blast and a popup will appear with a choice Note: Balance Due by Account & Balance Due by Activity email blasts cannot be sent via Constant Co...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Embedding YouTube or Facebook Videos

Embedding a YouTube Video Visit YouTube and navigate to the video you would like to embed Click on the Share link just below the bottom right border of the video  Click on the Embed (< >) option  A window will appear with the HTML code for embedding the video Highlight and copy the code that is displayed Note: the code will always start with &...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due By Activity

Overview This report is to view balances owed on individual activities. It is run by selecting the start and end date of the activity. Results show the Program name and the corresponding activity that falls within the start/end date range with the amount of registration fees total, how much was paid, and the balance owed. By clicking on the activity...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Add on Products

Creating Add-On Products Add-on products can be used in activities, memberships, and facilities. They can also be set to be available for purchase in POS....

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

AutoPay Reference Sheet

Recurring Subscriptions Have Been Replaced Registration Payment Plans have replaced the Recurring Subscription. Current Recurring Subscriptions will be able to finish out their terms, however, new subscriptions will need to be created in the form of an RPP. New subscription lengths will not be available to add to existing memberships. If you need as...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

How to Embed a PDF in a Program Description

Step One: Upload Your File Navigate to your program (Programs > View/Search Programs > Click program name) At the bottom of the page, click Add/Edit Links and Forms Click Add New Program Form Enter a title for the document (this will show on the public side) Click Choose File and select your desired PDF Click Submit Step Two: Embedding The Fil...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Adding a Facility

Facilities can be stand-alone locations, or they can be a parent facility for facility areas within them. For instance, the Community Center would be a parent facility and Classroom 1, Practice Gym, Pool, and Yoga Studio could all be facility areas within the Community Center. Decide if a location should be a facility or facility area within another...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Refunding via

Is your gateway Do you have Transactions Details API turned on inside your account? Quick tip: If you have Reports listed in your Financial Reports section, the answer is probably yes. Delete Important If you are absorbing fees and using the split transaction process where you only receive net income, this ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Facility Areas

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Management Side Registration

A registration can be started from the Quick Icon in top navigation bar or by entering an account.  On the management side of the system click the Accounts tab in the left navigation bar. Click either Search Accounts or Search Members to search for the account and members to register. Click the account name. Click the member name. Click Register for...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

How to Register for an Activity on the Public Side

Log in to your account If you do not have one, Create a New Account Click on the Register icon at the top your account or click the Register from the navigation bar  Select a program of interest Click Register Now or Register (selected member) next to the desired activity  Check the register box next to the names of the members in the account that y...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Calendar

The Facility Calendar shows both activities and rentals in a detailed calendar format. There are many uses for this calendar:, Viewing availability for booking and scheduling are the main focuses A reservation can be started by clicking a date and time Clicking on a reservation in the calendar will bring up that reservation's information Clicking on...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Balance Due By Account

Overview This report is to view balances owed on individual accounts. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Balance Due Reports Select Balance Due By Account Set a date range by invoice date Click Search  Results show the account name with balance owed and the corresponding items  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Fund Account Product (POS)

Setting up a Fund Account Product in POS Creating fund account products allows funds to be added to a household account in the form of account credits.  ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Create an Account from Management

Account Creation Video Video: Creating an Account   Please Note Cellphone carrier is no longer required information for account creation.           Click Accounts in the left hand navigation Select Add New Account Select an Account Type  and enter the required fields Account name is usually the household's last name, or the organization's name Birth...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Add/Edit Facility Rental Information

Allow Facility Rentals Settings to allow for facility reservations and availability can be found on the facility's Rental Info tab. Open the Facilities menu on the leftside menu of the mangement screen Click View/Search Facilities and search for the correct facility Select the facility Navigate to the Facility Info tab Check the Allow Rental box to ...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Rental Categories

Facility rental categories can be set for the purpose of tracking a certain type(s) of rental(s). Reservations made with a designated category can then be viewed together in reporting or in the facility calendar. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Add a Facility Rental Category Navigate to the Facilities tab and click Facility Rental Categor...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Adding Facility Areas

Facility areas are locations that are part of a parent facility. For instance, these could be pavilions, a band shell, ice skating rink, and volleyball courts within a main park. The parent facility can have settings that are applied to all facility areas within it, or individual facility areas can have unique settings from the parent facility. Faci...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Account Search

This video will walk you through searching for an account from the management side of Your browser does not support HTML5 video.    ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Account / Member Details

This guide will walk you through how to view, edit, and manage Account Details, Member Details, adding a member, adding a payer member, creating shared members, and adding account and member discounts. Account Search To search for an existing account, you can use the Member Search box in the top left-hand corner of the page. You can search by name (...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Global Exclusion Dates

Access Global Exclusion Dates Global Exclusion Dates apply across your site facilities and are not where you add facility-specific exclusion dates. Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu and click Exclusion Dates Select the Date or Date Range you wish to exclude and click Add Dates Global Exclusion Dates are those excluded dates...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Terms of Use

Please read the terms and conditions on this page ("Terms of Use"). If you agree to abide by these Terms of Use (and to our Privacy Policy), you may proceed to use the services located at this site. If you don't wish to abide by these Terms of Use (and to the Privacy Policy and any disclaimers posted elsewhere on the site) then you may not...

5 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Creating a Reservation

Facility Reservation Video Reservations Video   Steps on Making Facility Reservations Your browser does not support HTML5 video.     Starting a Reservation There are 3 ways to begin a reservation from the management side. From the Accounts Tab, the Calendar or a Quick Add Reserve. Accounts Tab Click Accounts in the lefthand navigation bar Click eith...

3 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Home Page Photos

Home Page Photos display on the public side home page. They can be used to direct users to specific areas of the website (such as programs, department information, or memberships) or to outside websites (municipal site, social media, etc). This helps save the users time finding what they're looking for! This area features an image (either your own, ...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Facility Types

Facility types provide the ability to further define the usage or purpose of a facility. Once created, facility types are assigned to a facility or the area(s) defined within a facility. A few facility type examples are: pavilions, fields, picnic areas, meeting rooms, and assembly areas. Example The Community Center is a venue comprised of three fac...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Basic Email Blast

Access Basic Email Blasts Email blasts allow you to send an email targeted to specified account members. You can also upload images or documents to the email blast. Only Administrative access users can send email blasts unless they have given user permissions to other users. What's a Global Recipient? Before creating a new email blast, you can add A...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Receipt Printer Setup for POS Small Receipts

A receipt printer can be used to print small receipts from the Point of Sale Facility Access Portal. These instructions are for the Star Micronics TSP100 FuturePRNT USB receipt printer part #39461110, TSP100IIILAN (Ethernet), or TSP100IIIWLAN Wireless Receipt printer. In order to use a receipt printer, you must change the paper size to 72mm x 200 mm...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

W9 for

W9 FY 24-25.pdf...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

How to Edit a Completed Form

Once a form has been completed, it is imperative that it remain in the state to which the customer answered as changing answers without management approval could cause a lot of issues. However, the need for correcting information is also needed. The Custom Form can be edited by a customer but those changes must be approved by staff via the managemen...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

View Member Questions

Overview Member questions are those that are answered upon account member creation. Answers do reside within the individual accounts but also can be viewed in report form. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Answers can be filtered by answer or created on date range and can be exported. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and sel...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Video: Informational Programs

Informational programs are a great way for you to show information without the need for activities or registrations. You can utilize this feature like a flyer for your program or event with FYI details for the public. ...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Creating a Management Side Reservation Request

A Management Side Reservation Request can be used by departments to create a reservation request on behalf of a member, instead of the member using the public site. The difference between a Management Side Reservation Request and a Management Side Reservation is that the request still must be approved before the reservation is booked, instead of imm...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Financial Best Practices Suggestions

The system offers many ways to help you balance accounts and rectify your bank account to your income statements. Here are a few of the ways to keep an eye on your accounts, so that issues can be dealt with sooner rather than later. Budget Groups The system allows for the creation of budget groups that can be assigned to revenues...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Advanced Activity Seats at a Glance

Overview This report is run by selecting an activity date range to view and type of seats to view (all, open, or not open). A specific Advanced Program or Activity can be selected, otherwise results are a listing of seating info for all advanced activities during that date range. Results show seat counts by individual dates for the advanced activity...

0 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Cancel a Registration

Starting from Account Log into an account. In the Account Info click the Registrations tab. If single registration, click Cancel under the activity you wish to cancel. If multiple registrations, use the checkboxes on the right to select multiple activities at once. Then, click the Cancel Selected Registrations button at the bottom. Starting from Pro...

1 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Equipment Guide for Point of Sale

The following equipment has been tested and is recommended to use with Point Of Sale. Please connect with a representative for connection questions. Links lead to Amazon for purchasing, or use model numbers and shop wherever you please.  Download this Equipment Guide! Touchscreen Devices In addition to any computer/laptop with or...

2 min reading time
Updated July 27th, 2024 by Carla Bearup

Modify a Reservation Video

Need to Change the Location? Change the Location of an Existing Reservation Open the existing reservation that needs to be modified either by an Invoice sear Open the existing reservation that needs to be modified either by an Invoice search in Quick Utilities, by searching reservations on the Reservation tab in a household account, or by View Reser...

0 min reading time
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