Seats at a Glance

Last Update: July 27th, 2024


This report is run by selecting an activity date range to view and type of seats to view (all, open or not open). A specific Program/Activity can be selected otherwise results are a listing of all activities during that date range. This seat report shows min/max seat setting, how many registrations there are, of those registrations how many are Res/Non- Res, Male/Female, number of waitlisted, number currently carted, number of unprocessed invoices and available seats. This report can be printed.

  1. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Activity Reports
  2. Under the Activity Reports box select Seats at a Glance
  3. Set the Start Date / End Date and Available Seats type
  4. Filter by Program and/or Activity, if desired
  5. Click Submit
  6. Report can then be printed with the link on the right