Facility Schedule

Last Update: July 27th, 2024


This report is run by selecting a date range and a day or multiple days of the week. Results can be filtered by facility(s), facility type, hours, account, contacts or permits. Results are bookings listed by date with the location and activity showing the time in blocks. 

Hovering over the block will show a pop-up of the actual time booked. Clicking an open block of time will begin the reservation process pre-filling that facility with date and time selected in the reservation table.

  1. Select the Reports tab on the leftside navigation menu
  2. Select Facility Reports
  3. Select Facility Schedule from the Facility Reports column
  4. Enter your report filters including
    1. date range
      1. all days or specific days of the week
    2. facility type
      1. all facilities or a specific facility, 
      2. specific hours
    3. accounts, 
    4. contacts, 
    5. permits
  5. Then select Next

You can hover over the shaded sections of the Facility Schedule report to view additional details.