Facility Maintenance

Last Update: July 27th, 2024


This report can be run by searching a facility, facility type, or rental category, and a date range to view.
Results are a listing of all bookings for that facility/type/category during the date range with staff / maintenance notes. More notes can be added on a specific activity or in the top box. Once finish and print is selected, the report is saved for future use and then can be printed or exported.

  1. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Facility Reports
  2. Under the Facility Reports box, select Facility Maintenance
  3. Select to report by Facility, Facility Type, or Rental Category
  4. Select from the Registration Type dropdown, if desired
  5. Make location choice(s)
  6. Set the Start Date and End Date
  7. Click Submit
    1. Add any additional notes to overall report or to individual scheduled item
  8. Set the expiration date of the report
    1. Report deletes from list on expire date)
  9. Click Finish and Print/Email

After the report is created, it remains in the the report list and can be

  • Printed
  • Emailed
  • Edited 
  • Exported to XLS, XLSX or CSV files

Public Account Access 

A Household Account Member can be given access to the completed Facility Maintenance Reports from the public site account, much like Coaches/Instructors have access to rosters.

  1. View/ Search Members and select the account member to grant access
  2. Click Edit for the Member
  3. Check the Grant Access to Maintenance List checkbox
  4. Click Submit
    1. The Maintenance Reports list remains printable and viewable in the account under the Maintenance Icon until the reports expiration date