Facility Use Report

Last Update: July 27th, 2024

This report is run by selecting a facility and a date range to view. Results are a listing of all bookings for that facility during the date range with staff / maintenance notes. This report is printable.

  1. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Facility Reports
  2. Under the Facility Reports box select Facility Use
  3. Select the appropriate facility in the dropdown box
  4. Set the Start Date / End Date and choose a location from the dropdown
  5. Click Submit

Billable Hours vs. Usage Hours

Note that reservations may be booked in intervals down to a minute but will be calculated for billing in increments of 15 minutes. For example, a 2-hour and 20-minute (2.33hrs) reservation that has a fee of $10 per hour will be shown on the reservation as Total Hour 2:20 but will be billed as 2 hours and 30 minutes for a total of $25. Take this into consideration when reconciling facility usage hours with facility rental hours.