Missing Documents

Last Update: March 22nd, 2023


This report is for those activities that have Required Documents (Also available for Memberships). When the activity/membership is clicked, the results show any registrants who did not submit the required document. Results can be filtered by document or status.

Statuses that will show under this report: 
Missing - Document is required for the activity / membership but is not uploaded in the account
Declined - Document has been uploaded but declined by management
Expired - Document had been uploaded with an expiration date was set on it, and it is now past

  1. Go to the Reports tab of the lefthand navigation and select Activity Reports (for Memberships select Membership Reports)
  2. Under the Activity Reports (for Memberships under Requirements) box select Missing Documents
  3. Select the activity/membership name of the documents status you would like to check
  4. Filter by Document, Status and/or Type
  5. Click Submit
  6. Clicking the member name will bring you to the View Member Info page of that member within their account
    • This is where the document can be updated