Department Information Settings

Last Update: July 27th, 2024

Access the Department Info Settings

  1. ​Open the Administration tab on the leftside navigation menu
  2. Select the Settings option
  3. Click Submit
  • The Department Information settings contain address and contact information for the Department and largely will remain static information
  • Department contact information is pulled from this location to show in several locations including, public site Contact Page, public site footer, receipt headers and email blast headers

Settings under the Department Information tab

  • Calendar Password: Set a password that when entered on the public site calendar shows the management side calendar in Read Access only 
  • Protected Account Notes Password: Password for accessing protected account notes on any account from management site
  • Hide Other Location From Staff Calendar: Allows you to hide all programs using the Other Location
  • Small Receipt Logo: Upload logo that will print on small receipts from POS
  • Check Out Content: This is the text that the public sees upon checkout 
    • Payment Choice Page Text: Instructional text that appears to the public when both Online check out and Pre-Registration Form is an option
    • Pre-Registration Form Instructions: Instructional text that appears to the public when the Pre-Registration Form option is used online and should tell the user how to complete their registration
  • Default Invoice Text: Text that will appear on every invoice
  • Move from Waitlist Email Message: Text box for custom message on the auto email generated when a registrant is moved from the waitlist into an activity
  • Facility List Text: Appears on the public side Facility List if entered in this text box
    • This could be used to give more information about your facilities to the public. If this is not needed leave text box blank
  • Additional Contact Info: This can be used to add additional information to the Contact Info page
  • Hours of Operation: Allows you to list the hours that your office is open
  • Add/Edit Facility Links and Forms: Allows you to add any Links or Forms you may need for your Facilities