Member discounts can be added at the individual account member level. These are very useful for employee discounts, veteran discounts, first responders, teachers, and so forth.
Once you assign member discounts to your eligible users, you can designate activities and memberships to activate the membership on that item, which will then apply on the public side checkout page.
Adding a Member Discount to a User Account
- Search for the household account
- Open the employee’s household account and view their Account Details page
- Scroll to the bottom of the Account Details screen and click Add Member Discount on the bottom right side
- Select the employee from the dropdown or select to apply the discount to the entire account
Add the correct discount to the Amount field
- You can set a Max Discount per Item
- You can set a Total Discount Cap for the life of the discount
- Choose optional start and end dates for the discount
- Keep the status active,
- Add the Reason in the field (i.e. Employee Discount)
Then, click Submit, or click Add to add a discount for another member in the employee’s family
- The employee will now automatically receive this discount on any purchase where you have added the ability for the member discount (see instructions below for adding the discount to a program activity)
Adding Member Discounts to an Activity
- On the activity where you want to allow employee discounts, go to the Finance tab
- Check the Allow Member Discount box
Click the green button at the bottom
- Once you add the employee discounts to their accounts, you only have to check the Allow Member Discounts box on an activity to get those customers their discounts as they register
- Discounts will appear on the public side at the final checkout screen