Reservation Add-Ons

Last Update: December 7th, 2023

You can create add-ons specifically for reservations to include items like electricity, sound system, trash service, picnic tables, chairs, firewood, equipment sets, and more.

Creating the Add-On Item

  1. Open the Facilities tab on the leftside navigation menu
  2. Click Reservation Add-Ons
  3. Click the Add New Reservation Add-Ons link at the top of the screen
  1. Type in the Name of the add-on item
  2. Enter the Amount and designate as Discount or Fee
    1. You could use this for a AAA discount or a Veteran's Discount for instance from the management side
  3. Select from the Category dropdown or create a new category first by clicking Add Category
    1. i.e. “Pavilion Add-ons”, “Campground Add-ons”, “Aquatic Center Add-ons”
    2. You should label a category specific to the facility to avoid customer confusion upon checkout
  4. This defaults to Active, but you can change to inactive by clicking the checkbox
  5. Uncheck the Hide from Public box if you want the customer to be able to add this item during public checkout
  6. Click Submit

Using Reservation Add-Ons

Unlike an add-on product, you do not need to add the Reservation Add-On item to a specific facility. When you complete checkout on the management side, or when the customer completes checkout on the public side, there will be a button to for Reservation Add-ons. This is why categories are important and should be named specifically for the facility where the add-on is available. You don't want customers adding items that are not available at the site they are reserving.

Management-side Reservations

  1. Follow the steps to Create a Reservation
  2. On the Edit Facility Reservation screen, click the Add Add-ons button near the bottom in the Schedule & Fees section of the page
  1. Choose the correct selection from the Category dropdown
  2. Click the Add Item link next to the items you are adding to the reservation
    1. You can click Remove Item from this screen as well if you make an incorrect selection
  3. Click the Close button
  1. Complete the Disclaimer checkbox
  2. Click Update Reservation
  3.  You will see the Reservation Add-ons section of the Review Facility Reservation screen now shows the add-on(s) and include the cost per item
  4. Click Edit Reservation Add-Ons to make changes
  5. Continue with the rest of the checkout process

Public-side Reservations

  1. Follow the steps to complete a public-side reservation
  2. On the Online Reservation screen, your customer will see a Add Add-Ons button to click
  3. The customer should select the correct choice from the Category dropdown
  4. Click Add Item for each add-on they want to purchase
  5. Click the Close button
  1. The customer can now complete the checkout process and will see that add-ons in their reservation fees