FDSPendingReview Status

Last Update: April 15th, 2024

To safeguard transactions, Authorize.net fraud filters have become more restrictive. As a result, you may experience transactions being put in a pending (FDSPENDINGREVIEW) state for additional review.  This typically happens when a high number of transactions with the same dollar amount occur during a short period of time, like the opening of registrations for in-demand programs.

To see if your transactions have been placed in the FDSPending Review status, check the Unsettled Transactions Report in the Financial Reports tab. This is something we would recommend doing during any period of heavy registrations. 

Options When Transactions have an FDSPendingReview status

Same Day Transactions - Batch Open

You can adjust the fraud filters in your Authorize.net gateway to prevent any additional transactions from being affected. Please read Authorize.net Fraud Filter Glossary to make an informed decision regarding the filter settings.

Please note that this suggestion is purely optional. We strongly advise consulting with your department's financial advisor before making any significant changes. If you wish to suspend all fraud filters as a precautionary measure, we have provided instructions below.

  1. Log in to the merchant interface for Authorize.net
  2. Select Tools, then Fraud Detection Suite
  3. Click on each of the following filters:
    1. Daily Velocity Filter
    2. Hourly Velocity Filter
    3. Suspicious Transaction Filter
    4. Transaction IP Velocity Filter
    5. Amount Filter
    6. Shipping Address Verification Filter
    7. IP-Shipping Address Mismatch Filter
    8. Shipping-Billing Mismatch Filter
  4. For each filter
    1. Verify the setting is changed to the green flag option that says “Process as normal and report filter(s) triggered”
    2.  Click Save after making changes to each filter

Choosing to Approve or Decline the Transactions

If you choose to approve the transactions, please note that approval will result in duplicate entries in the Settled Transactions report found in the Financial Report section of the MyRec.com software. However, your Authorize.net gateway and processing funding, as well as all other reports in the software will reflect the correct information.

These steps should be taken immediately and need to be done before the credit card transaction batch settles, typically at the end of the day.

  1. Log in to the merchant interface for Authorize.net
  2. Select Tools and then Fraud Detection Suite
  3. Under Suspicious Transactions Reports for Authorize/Pending Review and/or Pending Review, if there's a value greater than zero, please click on that number to view the transactions
  4. For each transaction, select the box and mark it approved to capture the original sale
    1. Should you encounter any transactions that need to be declined, please follow the same steps outlined above, selecting void instead of approve
    2. Contact our Client Support team to assist with updating the accounts associated with those original registrations and product sales
    3. It is important to note that if a sale associated with an accountless transaction is declined, the client's contact information may not be recoverable, and reimbursement for those funds may not be possible
  5. Once completed, please reach back out to your client support specialist for them to complete the manual invoice update process

If you choose to decline the transactions, the transaction will be declined prior to authorization and your customer will need to make a new payment.

Preserving the Invoices 

Invoices with the FDSPendingReview status have not been completely processed. If the invoice is available and you want to preserve the registration, reservation, or product purchase on the invoice, the invoice should be completed with no payment. This will leave a balance on the invoice, which will allow the CS Support team to apply the approved transactions to it.  

Checking the Needs Attention box on the management side homepage for Invoice Issues and Processing Issues is one way to locate the affected invoices.  There are also links to the Member Account and Invoices on the Unsettled Transaction report. 

If the invoice no longer exists, the number will be listed, but without a link. Please reach out to the Client Support team with any questions.