Deposit Holds

Last Update: May 1st, 2024

Deposit (Hold) is a payment type that can be available to customers only if selected in your payment options by a staff member. This payment type allows staff to process a registration or reservation and enter a payment that does not appear as income. The intent here is that your department will have received a check, cash, or similar payment form and will hold it (not deposit it) to return later if deposit requirements were met. Often used for reservations, this type has its own report. To use this payment type with a credit card payment, follow the steps below.

If selected, the Deposit (Hold) Report will become an option and will allow you to search by date range to pull every Deposit (Hold) payment within your given date range. 

Deposit Holds for Reservations 

  1. Create the reservation from the Management Side, and make sure you have a Deposit created for the facility
    1. This information can be found in the Facilities Rental Info tab
    2. If you don’t want to set a Deposit fee for the facility, you can still add that to the reservation by clicking the Require Refundable Deposit box and the box will appear to add a Deposit Fee
  1. Continue the reservation process to the Checkout screen
  2. At the payment screen, first record the deposit payment by using Payment Type Deposit Hold
  3. Change the Payment Amount to reflect the Deposit Amount
  4. Click the Apply link
    1. You could use the Invoice Notes to indicate anything important about the deposit, for example, “use the credit card on file if damages occur and need to be charged”
  5. Adjust the payment amounts at the bottom of the screen to reflect the actual payment being applied to each line item
  1. Submit the deposit payment using the green Submit Payment button
  2. If you are also taking payment for the rental fee, you can process it now

Returning or Keeping the Deposit

Return Deposit, No Damages 

Return Deposit, Damages to be Charged 

In the case where the deposit is not going to be returned due to damages, you want to first complete the process of Voiding the Payment for the Deposit Hold.