The following equipment has been tested and is recommended to use with Point Of Sale. Please connect with a representative for connection questions. Links lead to Amazon for purchasing or use model numbers and shop wherever you please.
Download this Equipment Guide.pdf
Touchscreen Devices
In addition to any computer/laptop with or without a touchscreen, the below tablets can be used.
Please note: All Windows Surface tablets with an Intel chip will work except for the Microsoft SQ3, which has an ARM processor and is not compatible. If you will be using a receipt printer, the printers will work with Apple iPads or Android devices and tablets by using the app PassPrnt. All Windows tablets will print directly to the printer and will not need the app.
Surface Tablets
- Connects to a receipt printer with Bluetooth, WiFi, or full-sized USB port.
- Also works with USB barcode scanner and USB card reader.
- Can use a USB hub to connect more than one device (ie, if you have a USB receipt printer, barcode scanner, and card reader on a USB hub connecting to the USB port in a tablet).
- Print receipts with Windows Print dialogue as with any Windows computer.
Android Tablets
- Connects to a receipt printer with Bluetooth, WiFi, or full sized USB port.
- Also works with USB barcode scanner and USB card reader.
- Can use a USB hub to connect more than one device (ie, if you have a USB receipt printer, barcode scanner, and card reader on a USB hub connecting to the USB port in a tablet).
- Need to use an app called Star Micronics PassPRNT to print receipts.
- Connects to a receipt printer with Bluetooth, or WiFi.
- Must use an adapter to connect 1 full size USB device (credit card reader OR barcode scanner). If you need both a credit card reader and a scanner, the scanner must be bluetooth.
- Need to use an app called Star Micronics PassPRNT to print receipts.
Receipt Printers
All printers can be configured to work with a cash drawer.
Please Note: Printers will work with Apple iPads or Android devices and tablets by using the app PassPrnt. All Windows tablets will print directly to the printer.
Star Micronics TSP143 FuturePRNT USB Thermal Receipt Printer
- Will work with a computer or laptop, Surface and Android tablet if they have a full sized USB port (not mini usb port).
Star Micronics TSP143IIILAN Ethernet Thermal Receipt Printer
- Will work with a computer or laptop, iPad, Surface and Android tablet connected to the same network via WiFi.
Star Micronics TSP143IIIWLAN Wireless Thermal Receipt Printer
- Will work with a computer or laptop, iPad, Surface and Android tablet connected via WiFi.
Star Micronics MC-Print 3 Ethernet USB Thermal Printer
- 3 inch compact printer offers multiple connectivity options including USB, Lightning, Bluetooth, LAN, and cloudPRNT/WebPRNT.
Additional Supplies
DeleteCash Drawers
Star Micronics 37965600 Model CD3-1616BK58-S2 Cash Drawer, Printer Driven
- Compatible with the TSP143 FuturePRNT receipt printers.
- Receipt printer software can be used to configure the cash drawer to open when receipt is printed.
- If a receipt printer is not purchased, the cash drawer will need to be manually operated/opened.
Bundles & All-in-Ones
Star Micronics TSP143 USB Printer and Cash Drawer Bundle
- Printer- Will work with a computer or laptop, Surface and Android tablet if they have a full-sized USB port (not mini usb port).
- Compatible with the TSP143 FuturePRNT receipt printers.
- Receipt printer software can be used to configure the cash drawer to open when receipt is printed.
Star Micronics MPOP All-In-One Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer (unavailable as of 4/29/2023)
- Connects via USB, Bluetooth, or through Ethernet or WiFi networks.
- Works with a computer, Surface, Android, or iPad tablet.
- NOTE: Peripherals (scanners/readers) are NOT plugged into mPOP.
Credit Card Devices
EMV Terminals:
- Our new Link 2500 EMV terminal is a wireless credit card device that connects to our software to process EMV chip payments and NFC contactless payments, such as Samsung Pay and Apple Pay. These terminals must be purchased from If you would like more information and to determine your department's eligibility, please use this EMV Terminal Consultation Request to submit your inquiry to our Merchant Services department. This device is not compatible with all processors.

- Used if 2 full size USB peripherals are needed to be connected to main equipment with only 1 full size USB port. (ie, USB barcode scanner and USB card reader)
- Not to be used in conjunction with adapters.
Barcode Scanners
Print & Digital
These items are able to scan barcodes that appear on printed materials and screens.
- Can only be used with a tablet or computer with a full size USB port.
Teemi TMSL-57CR Bluetooth Scanner
- Connects via Bluetooth for iPad and Android tablets, or USB for computers.
- Works via Bluetooth with computers, Surface, Android or iPad tablets.
Print Only
These items are able to scan barcodes on printed materials only. They do not scan screens.
Zebra LS2208 (Formerly Motorola/Symbol)
- Must be used with a tablet or computer with a full sized USB port.
Teemi TMCT-10 Pro Barcode Bluetooth Scanner
- Connects via Bluetooth for iPad and Android tablets or USB for computers.
- Works via Bluetooth with computers, Surface, Android or iPad tablets.