Facility Access Portal

Last Update: August 4th, 2023

The Facility Access Portal can be accessed through the POS portal and several shortcuts from the management homepage.

Scanning a Member Into a Facility

  1.  To give a member access to a facility, you can open the Facility Access Portal
    1. In the Membership menu on the leftside navigation bar
    2. By clicking the POS icon on the top of the management screen
    3. By using the Member Check-In link in the Quick Utilities box on the right side of the management homepage
  2. Select the facility
  1. Click Scan In from the bar along the top of the screen
    1. Note the location you selected on the previous screen is displayed
    2. The Visits for Today are display on the right side of the screen
    3. If you do not have the membership number to enter, which allows access to the facility, you can select Member Search in the top option bar to find the member
  2. Enter the barcode membership number or Scan the barcode using your barcode scanner
  3. Click Scan

Member Does Not Have Access

  1. A red bar will be display and an alert will sound (if computer audio is working) to indicate that the member scanned does not have access to this facility
  2. You can override this by clicking Allow Access Anyway
  3. You can visit the member's Point of Sale
  4. You can view active or recent memberships at the bottom of the screen

Member Does Have Access

  1. A green bar will be display and a doorbell will sound (if computer audio is working) to indicate that the member scanned does have access to this facility
  2. You can see the Visits for Today in the upper right corner has been updated to reflect the member's access
  3. You can visit the member's Point of Sale
  4. You can view active or recent memberships at the bottom of the screen

Scanning a Member Out of a Facility

  1. Click Scan Out from the bar along the top of the screen
    1. If you do not have the membership number to enter, which allows access to the facility, you can select Member Search in the top option bar to find the member
  1. Enter the barcode membership number or Scan the barcode using your barcode scanner
  2. Click Scan