Inventory Refill Alert Report

Last Update: July 19th, 2023

The Refill Alert Report will display an inventoried products that have met or gone below the inventory alert quantity in their settings. 

Running the Refill Alert Report

  1.  Open the Reports tab in the leftside navigation menu
  2.  Click Point of Sale Reports
  3.  Select the Refill Alert Report from the bottom the column

There is also a quick access link located in the Quick Utilities section of the management homepage.

Main Features of the Refill Alert Report

  1.  The inventory count
  2.  The current available inventory based on POS transactions
  3.  The last date of purchase - to help departments decide when to place an order for additional inventory

The report displays the product name and product type in addition to the inventory details. It also shows the Refill Alert quantity. Clicking on the product name will direct you to the product page. This report is also exportable.