This process will take you through the standard steps to cancel membership subscriptions and re-register the member for the Membership RPP counterpart.
If a membership is still active, but the subscription has been cancelled, you can find steps for those situations at the bottom of this tutorial.
Tutorial Walkthrough
Remove Subscription Lengths and Create RPP Lengths
To identify the membership subscription lengths you need to cancel, you must first navigate to the membership in question.
- Open the Membership menu on the leftside menu, click View Memberships, and select the membership from the list
- Click the Registrations tab at the top and you will see a list of membership types/lengths in the summary below (if your department does not have many subscriptions, you can skip to step #4)
- Typically, a department will name its subscription lengths accordingly (in this instance, “Monthly Recurring” is the subscription length we're removing, but keywords like “autopay” and “subscription” are also common options
- You will cross reference these with the results on the lengths page in the next steps
- From the left menu, click Membership Lengths and see the length from the previous screen that is indicated as a Subscription type
- Click Edit to gather info and make this length Inactive
- Note the settings for the length, it may be helpful to write them down
- Uncheck the Active box
- Click Update
- There is a list of all the memberships to which this length is assigned, which is reflected back on the Registrations tab from step #2
- This information can be referred to later if you have many subscription memberships to transition from subscriptions to RPPs
- Click Add New Membership Length in the upper corner on the Membership Length list
Label the new length with an indicator that it is a payment plan
- Common choices are “payment plan”, “RPP”, and “Autopay plan”
- Duplicate the settings you noted from the subscription length setup in step #6
- Be sure to select Payment Plan from the dropdown
- Click Update
- Return to the membership page and click Add Length for each membership type that had a subscription
- Set up the membership terms, fee, and registration options then submit
- You will see the membership length for the RPP in the membership type
- Remember to complete this set of steps for every type necessary
- Click the membership subscription length and click the Edit this Membership Length link at the top
- Make the old subscription length inactive by unchecking the Active box
- Now you're ready to cancel subscriptions and re-register for Membership RPPs
Subscription Cancellation and RPP Registration
Expire the Membership and Cancel the Subscription
- From the membership details page, click the Registration tab
- Click on the subscription membership length/type you identified in the last set of steps
- Click on the Member name
- If you see a teal Subscription box, there is an active subscription that needs to be cancelled
- If you do not see a teal box, this subscription has already been cancelled, but the membership was never cancelled and will need to be
- Save these for last
- If you do not see a teal box, this subscription has already been cancelled, but the membership was never cancelled and will need to be
- To record which cc was used for the subscription, click Update Payment Info
- The last four digits of the credit card will be displayed on the next page so you can jot this down to verify the registration payment
- Click Cancel Payment to return to the previous screen
Not Sure on Which Stored Credit Card?
Before you cancel the subscription, you can view the last four digits of the stored cc for the membership subscription that you will need for the membership RPP. See the image below for the location. If you have already cancelled the subscription, you can verify with the member which card you should use to set up their RPP.
- Click Cancel Subscription
- Look at the most recent payment on the subscription to know when to cancel and expire the membership subscription
- In this example, you will cancel the subscription and expire the membership on 11/30/24, the day before the next payment is scheduled to draft
- Choose the radio button for Cancel Payment Subscription and Expire Membership on
- Enter 11/30/2024 in the date field
- Click Continue
You will now register this member for the counterpart to their membership subscription. Do not open another household or tab.
Register the Member for the Membership RPP
- From the leftside navigation menu, click Register for Membership
- Notice that you are still in the household account for the person you just cancelled
- Search a keyword to find the membership you need with the newly created RPP option
- Click Purchasing Options for the correct membership type and length (RPP)
- Select the member for the membership
- Accept or email the disclaimer
- Click the Continue button that will appear
- Select the billing contact
- Verify and choose the stored payment based on the four digits you copied from the subscription page (there will only be additional stored payments if the household has added them)
- If you switched gateways, the stored payment will not be available, and you will need to add a new stored card to proceed, or you will need to call the member to log into their public account and complete the checkout process from their side (carted items will expire and need to be recarted if the member waits too long)
- Opt to send a receipt or not
- Click Submit
You have completed the process to transition a membership subscription to a membership RPP. You can return to the Membership Details page for this members and to the Registration Tab to repeat the process for remaining subscription members.
You can access payment plan information in the Financial Reports page or by clicking View Payment Plans on a household account details page.
How to Expire the Membership if the Subscription was Already Cancelled
If there is no teal box on the member page when you click their name from the Registration tab in the membership, the subscription has likely already been cancelled.
- Navigate to the household account
- Click the Membership tab at the top
- Click Edit next to the membership expiration field
- Select Manually edit both Activation and Expiration Date and change the expiration date to match the day the subscription was cancelled
- Click Update
This will complete the process to cancel the membership that was left running after the subscription was previously cancelled.