Pool Membership with Facility Scans

Last Update: June 27th, 2024

This setup will help walk you through the steps to create an annual membership to the pool with family, individual, senior, and child types along with facility access using the POS portal for barcode scans. This setup can work with either digital membership cards or printed cards, depending on your settings.

Create the Membership

  1. Create the membership length
    1. Click Membership Lengths in the leftside navigation bar
    2. In the top right corner, click the Add New Membership Length link
    3. Title the length with some descriptors i.e. Essex Pool Annual
    4. Select the Yearly type radio button
      1. If you also want to offer a purchase option to the public using payment plans, follow these steps again and select Payment Plan from the dropdown
    5. Yearly pool memberships typically begin on the date selected, so you can choose the second option for Yearly
    6. Set the number of year, in this case 1
    7. Click Submit
  1. Create the membership types
    1. Click Membership Types in the leftside navigation bar
    2. In the top right corner, click the Add New Membership Type link
    3. Title the type i.e. Pool Pass - Family
      1. Since this will give access to multiple members, you can leave the age and grade restrictors blank
    4. Select Entire Household from the Applied To section
      1. If you want to limit a family to a certain number of members, choose Household up from ___ to ____ Members
    5. Click Add to create this type and add another (for adult, senior, and child)
  1. Create the membership
    1. Click Add New Memberships in the leftside navigation bar
    2. Enter the Membership name i.e. Essex Pool Pass
      1. Add a description of the membership for the public
      2. If you have member discounts set up, you can Allow Member Discounts so they apply to this membership purchase
    3. Add a photo if desired
    4. Add any products, either optional or required
    5. Click Submit
  1. Select the Membership Type you created from the dropdown (i.e. Pool Pass - Family)
  2. Add the description
  3. Click the Membership Length that you created (i.e. Essex Pool Annual)
  1. Select the Category from the dropdown
  2. Assign the Budget Group from the dropdown
  3. If you are going to use digital membership card, check the Send Digital box and select the Card Template from the dropdown
    1. Set this to send cards via email
    2. If you are planning to use printed card, leave these sections unchanged
  4. Choose Online Registration for online only cc registration
    1. Annual memberships that begin on the purchase date don't typically have a registration window, but you can add that by checking the box for start and end dates
  5. Click Submit
  1. Add the Resident and Non-Resident Fees
  2. Click Update
  3. Click Add Type in the upper right corner to add the other types 
    1. Add their lengths using Add Length
  1. Click Edit This Membership/Photo
  1. Check the box for each facility that is accessed by this membership
  2. Click Update

MyRec.com always recommends that you walk through your setup from the public side as if you were a user to make sure everything looks the way you want.

Facility Scan Options

If you are intersted in adding facility scan options for the public to check when they enter the facility, refer to our article on scan options.


Assign Membership Card Numbers

Membership Card Guide

Scan in a Member for Facility Access

Membership Scan In

Facility Access Portal

You can now sell memberships to the public and use their membership card number to scan them into a facility that will record and report on the facility usage and attendance.


These reports will be helpful for departments using facility access scans: