Summer Programing using Subheadings for Umbrella Discounts

Fee Adjustments at the Program Level for Summer Programing

Last Update: March 19th, 2024

This program setup uses subheadings as a cleaner way of organizing the entire summer line-up that can include camps, swim lessons, sports leagues etc..., specifically so the department can use fee adjustments across the board as an umbrella for children who would normally be in different programs.

Each sub-heading has a title & description for the group of activities beneath it in lieu of creating separate programs, as is normally the case. 

If you clone this activity, you will be able to choose to clone including subheadings. Activities cannot be cloned from one subheading to the next but can be cloned within the same subheading.

Exploring the Setups

A sample setup of a complete summer offering set up as a single program is available on the Demo site for your review: Management Side Total Summer Program

You can view the sample on the Demo public side: Public Side Total Summer Program 

Note: items on the Demo site are subject to editing by other users as they use the sandbox to learn


Setting Up the Total Summer Program

Use the subheading feature to create a summer program that divides the offerings into subprograms based on type (camps, sports, leagues, lessons, etc…)

  1. Create the new program for standard or advanced activities and be sure to check the box to Use Program Subheadings
  2. On the program screen, click the button in the top right to Add Subheading
  1. For this example, you will add the title of the program as the Event Name then add the description of the program and click Submit
    1. You can also set the order for how you want the subheadings to be ordered on the public side
  1. Add the activities to the subheading program by clicking the Add Activity link
  1. Once you set up the activities and make them visible to the public, they will be sorted into the program subheadings on the public side

Creating Program-Level Discounts

Departments use this setup because they want to create discounts or bundle pricing that will cover many or all of their summer program offerings. That isn't possible by creating a different program setup for each separate program, but it can be accomplished using the subheading setup modeled above. In order to create an umbrella discount that will apply to siblings in different “programs” or to registrants who sign up for several activities across many different programs, the subheading program setup works on both the public and the management side.

If you have one child attending a week of summer camp, a sibling taking toddler gymnastics, and another sibling registering for summer flag football and you want to offer a discount for those siblings, you will have a different subheading for each program within a larger program setup (see above), then add the fee adjustments at the program level. This will also work if you have a single child who is going to camp, swim lessons, and gymnastics when you want to offer a single member discount or “bundle” pricing.

  1. After you set up the program, subheadings, and activities, click the Fee Adjustments tab at the top of the program page
  1. Click Add New Fee Adjustment at the top of the page
  2. Create the Additional Member Discount for your sibling discount
  3. Create the Single Member Discount for your bundle discount

Now, you will have a comprehensive summer program that will allow you to offer different program options (camps, lessons, leagues, etc…) and activate discounts that will apply to some or all of those registrations in an umbrella fashion.

  • Reminder: fee adjustments are visible on the payment screen and will not show up until you get to that point in the registration process on both the management and public side checkout